MACKOV CHRONICLESThis is a trilogy that begins with the approach of a planetoid that threatens Earth leading to the discovery of another civilization hidden from humanity. The joint effort between the Zaman and human civilizations to prevent the disaster brings on the collision between two disparate cultures epitomized by the conflict between Mackov, an itinerant inventor and Bynova, the ruler of Zama. The next two books cover the greater conflict between the two cultures and ends in a life-and-death struggle against a heartless anti-civilization that threatens to sweep away all other sentient life in the galaxy.The first book in the series is:WORLDS APARTBelow are links to the first book’s cover, introduction, and first two chapters. Enjoy!•BOOK FRONT COVER•BOOK BACK COVER•TABLE OF CONTENTS•DARKNESS•CHAPTER 1: THE TOWER•CHAPTER 2: ALL FIRED UP•READ REVIEW